How To Clear Reddit History – Problem Solved

If you’re someone who frequent the popular Reddit website, then it’s important to know how to clear your history so that you can continue using the site without any worrying about potential consequences. Here are six tips on how to do this:

1. Use a Reddit blocker or VPN to keep track of your activity. This will help you remain anonymous and safe when browsing the site.

2. Delete contaminated posts and comments from your account. This will help avoid any negative karma effects that could come with being associated with these items in the future.

3. Use a private browser to surf the site. This will help you avoid any unwanted connections and incidences that could come with having your internet activity tracked.

4. Delete old posts and comments if you don’t want them to fall into the wrong hands or be used to blackmail you.

5. Don’t use your phone to surf the site. This will make it harder for someone to track you and find your information.

6. Don’t log in from a public computer. This will help keep any data that could be accessed by third parties from getting to your account.

How to use reddit?

There are many different ways to use Reddit, depending on what you need or want to share. Whether you’re looking for a place to share a link to a news article, find out about new music or movies, or just chat with friends, there’s a subreddit for you. Here’s a guide on how to use.

Use Reddit for what it was intended for: a place to share links to interesting articles and ideas, as well as to connect with other users. But just like any other website, be sure to use its features safely and responsibly. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find specific content you’re looking for. This will include articles, videos, or anything else you might be interested in.

2. Use the comments section on articles to provide your thoughts on them and other users’ opinions. This is a great way to learn more about different topics and viewpoints.

3. Make sure you use the “Report Abuse” button on every article so that others can see if there are any issues with it.

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The history of reddit: from early days to present

Reddit ( is a social networking website where users can post content, such as pictures, articles, or videos. The site has more than 2 million active users and is used by some of the biggest names in the online community space, including Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

The site was founded on August 29th, 2005 by two students at George Washington University in Washington D.C., user Christopher Poole and Reddit’s first employee, Ryan Grant. Reddit became one of the most popular websites in the world within a few months of its launch and now houses over 150 million posts from users around the globe. In February 2006, Reddit raised $500,000 from venture capitalists to expand into international markets.

Since its inception, Reddit has undergone several changes and refinements that have helped it become one of the most popular websites on the internet today.

How to view reddit history on pc

If you’re a frequent Redditor, you may be wondering how to clear your Reddit history on your computer. Here’s a guide on how to do it in just 8 steps:

1. Log into Reddit account

2. Choose “History” from the main menu

3. Scroll down and select ” collapsed subreddits ”

4. Click on the “X” in the top left corner to clear your history for all subreddits combined

5. Click “OK” to confirm your action and you’re done.

How to view reddit search history

If you’re a Redditor and want to view your search history, you can do so by using the “history” option in your Reddit account’s Preferences. This will show all of your past searches, including those that were public and didn’t involve any comments or votes. To clear out any of this history, simply click on the “x” next to each search term (it’ll look something like this: x-xxx-xxxx) and then press the “delete” key.

If you want to view any of your past searches, you can do so by clicking the “view” option in your Reddit account’s Preferences. This will show all of your past searches, including those that were public and didn’t involve any comments or votes. To clear out any of this history, simply click on the “x” next to each search term (it’ll look something like this) and then press the “delete” key.

There are two other options that you can find in your Reddit account’s Preferences.

If you’re looking to view your Reddit search history, there are a few things you can do. The first is to open the Reddit Settings app and change your search engine preferences.

Once you’ve made these changes, opening the Reddit Search History app will show you all of your recent searches. You can also use the following command to view all of your search history:

curl -XPOST -H “Hostname: ‘” + reddit + “‘”

If you only want to view your most recentreddit searches, it’s better to use the following command:

curl -L “

How to check reddit history

If you’re a user of the online forum Reddit, you may be wondering how to clear your history. Redditor “Aqua” has a guide on how to do it. Here’s the relevant portion of her guide:

  • Log in to Reddit
  • Click on the “History” tab at the top of your screen
  • Select ” Deactivate account (or unsubscribe from this site)”
  • enter your name and password
  • Click on the “Clear history” button
  • You will now be asked to confirm your deletion by clicking on the “Yes, delete my history.

” button.

  • After you click on the “Yes, delete my history. ” button, your Reddit history will be deleted.
  • If you already have a reddit account, it’s time to set one up again!

How to delete all reddit posts

There are a few ways to delete all reddit posts. One way is to use the “manage your account” tool in the Reddit website. Another way is to use the “report a problem” function on the site. There are also a few ways to delete all reddit posts.

One way is to use the Delete All Posts option in the menu on the left side of your screen. Another way is to use the Delete All Posts button in the top-right corner of the page. You can also use the buttons in the menu on the left side of your screen to delete all posts.

One thing that you may want to do before deleting all posts is check whether there are any comments or up votes that need to be deleted before you can delete them.

How to Delete All Posts on Reddit – Step by Step

1. Go to the page you want to delete all posts from.

2. Click the menu button in the top-right corner of your screen.

3. Select Delete All Posts from the menu to view all posts on your page.

4. Click the button in the top right corner of your screen that says Delete All Posts to delete all posts on your page.

5. Scroll down and select the Post you want to delete.

6. Select the Delete Post button from the menu to delete all posts on your page.

How to clear reddit search history

Welcome to Reddit history clearing guide, if you want to clear your reddit search history completely then you need to follow these simple steps:

1. Log out of your account

2. Type “clearsearchhistory” into the web address bar and hit enter

3. A new window will open, where you will be able to choose how long you want your search history to remain active for. You can either set it to stay for 7 days or 1 week

4. Once your selection is made, hit OK

5. When finished, close the window and you will be back at the account settings page

6. After returning to this page, type “logout” and hit enter

7. You will be prompted to enter your password, and the search history will be cleared.

Delete all reddit comments

Delete all reddit comments is an easy way to clean your Reddit history. It removes anycomments that have been made on any post or thread in the past, as well as any comments that may have been submitted by you but not yet counted.

This is a great way to remove old and forgotten discussions from your community and help keep things organized. How to get this working reddit comments. It’s free, it’s safe and it can be done in minutes!

Step 1: Go to your Reddit account. Click the ‘Edit’ button on the top right corner of your screen. You can add or remove comments anytime.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Moderation’ tab at the top of your screen.

Step 3: Click on the ‘Moderation’ tab again. Step 4 Choose ‘Delete all comments’.

Step 5: Click again on the ‘Moderation’ tab.

Step 6: Select ‘Delete all comments’.

Step 7: You now have deleted all your old comments and your new comments will show up in a new thread!


How do I Delete my Reddit history?

If you need to clear your Reddit history, there are a few simple steps you can take. First, open the Reddit Preferences and select the “Accounts” tab.

Next, under “History,” select the “Deleting” option. After clicking on theDelete button, your Reddit browsing history will be cleared.

How do I go back to the old Reddit?

When you want to go back to the old Reddit, there are a few things you can do. First, clear your browsing history by deleting all of your browsing sessions and cookies.

Second, sign in to or any other site that uses the same URL as Reddit. Lastly, use the “User Actions” link on the right side of every subreddit page to take actions that may have been undone in the past.

How do I clear Reddit Reddit history?

If you want to clear Reddit history, it’s easy. Here’s how:

1. Log in to your account and click the “History” tab.

2. Under “Submitted Topics,” look for the topic that you want to clear (or “clear all”).

3. Click on the button next to that topic name, and then click on the “Clear History” link.

4. That’ll take you to a page with information about how to clear Reddit history permanently:

-You can’t clear Reddit history if you’re using an Apple iPhone or iPad;

-If you clear Reddit history on an Android phone, it will be permanent until your account is reset or a new version of Reddit is released.

How do I delete Reddit app history on iPhone?

If you’re a Reddit user on an iPhone, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced the frustrating problem of accidentally deleting your account history. This can be really tricky to rectify, as your posts and comments might still linger in the app’s memory even after you’ve deleted them. Here’s how to clear Reddit app history on iPhone:

1) Open up the app and sign in.

2) Click on the three lines in the top right corner of the main screen where you’ll see “History.”

3) Choose “Delete My History” from the pop-up menu.

4) Type your password when prompted and hit enter.

5) The app will clean away all of your reddit activity from your device, including posts and comments from before you Delete My History!

How do I delete old posts and comments on Reddit?

If you’re a Reddit user, there’s a good chance that you’ve heard of the “delete old posts” and “delete comments” options. These tools let you erase old posts and comments from your account without having to go through the hassle of deleting them manually.

To use these tools, first create an account on Reddit and then click on the “History” tab. Under “History.” under “Posts,” find the post or comment that you want to delete. Click on the Delete button to cancellate the deletion and start fresh.

If you accidentally delete a post or comment, make sure to Restore Your Posts and Comments option in the Reddit Accounts settings so that your posts and comments are still intact!

How do I mass delete everything I’ve shared on Reddit?

Reddit is an online platform where people can share and vote on content. If you have shared something on the platform that you don’t want others to see, it’s important to do a few things before deleting it: first, make sure that you’re not the original Poster.

Second, make sure that your post is properly formatted. third, make sure that you have given appropriate credit to those who contributed to your post. Finally, be sure to follow the Reddiquette rules when sharing content on Reddit.

Conclusion: How to clear reddit history successfully

In conclusion, if you want to clear your reddit history, there are a few ways to do it. One way is to create a new account and use the provided tools.

Another way is to clear your browsing history and all your posts. Last but not least, you can delete any old Reddit posts and comments that you no longer want to see.

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